The rise in popularity of poker in Europe is often attributed to the introduction of online poker tournaments in America in the 1970’s, which then started to be broadcast live on satellite and cable television across the world. Of the various forms of poker now available to online gamblers, Texas Hold’em remains the most popular version on both sides of the Atlantic, and most poker tournaments still follow the original World Series format. Online poker gamblers, and most gamblers on poker in land based casinos will tell you that they prefer Texas Hold’em because of the increased number of betting rounds, during which the pot can build substantially, and the chance of better hands resulting from the availability of 7 cards from which the poker gambler can form a hand. For those online gamblers not familiar with Texas Hold’em, we have detailed the rules and general strategy in our poker pages, but in brief, Texas Hold’em is a form of community card poker. Each player is dealt 2 cards face down, and after each betting round another card is dealt face up in the middle of the table. At each betting round, the gamblers have the opportunity to fold or call, which entails matching the highest bet. There are five betting rounds, after which the remaining players form their best poker hand from their 2 face down cards and the 5 community cards in the middle of the table, which are of course available to all the remaining players. Texas Hold’em is a form of poker which most poker gamblers will tell you requires a certain amount of experience to play successfully, and we would therefore recommend that new online poker gamblers should always take advantage of the free play facility on their online casino, before gambling with real money.