Financial gambling is often thought of as something that hedge fund managers do but of course anybody who owns shares could be considered to be taking part in financial gambling while others will say that it is simply investment. Those that have lost money on the stock market will certainly feel that it was financial gambling. Financial gambling can however be just as much fun as casino gambling and indeed it is the online casinos that have made it that way by offering the chance to gamble on the stock market without actually having to buy or sell anything and you don’t have to wait days or months to see whether you have won. Online casinos such as Ladbrokes casino or Party casino have special financial gambling sections where you can gamble on a particular stock market or even on commodity prices such as gold or other metals.The stock market prices are published at the end of every day but in actual fact the prices are moving every second and this is where financial gambling can be fun because you can gamble on the movement of an index over a period of time as short as minutes and even the experts cannot predict what will happen within that short a time frame. The online casinos will let you know where the chosen index is at any time and what the odds are of it reaching a certain level but clearly if your chosen time frame is 5 minutes your odds at the beginning of the 5 minutes will be better than after 4 minutes as by that time it might be fairly clear in which way the market is moving. You can try fixed odds financial gambling for as little as €5 and you know whether you have won or lost very quickly.